Durga pooja
Oil baths and sunrise rituals
A brighter dawn from rows of light
Jasmines and mogras, lillies and lotuses
Vibrant colors adorning the Goddess divine
Soot flying high from the earthen wickered lamps
The air fragrant with the smell of sweet burning oil
Loud temple bells and soul stirring chants
Deafening drummers within pandals of joy
Merry go rounds spinning with dizzying speeds
Bright colorful lights; yellow flashes all around going faster and faster
Teenage giggles and scurrying feet
Drunken revelry and gambling high
Hurried preparations for evenings of satiation
Cymbals clanging in loud approval
Exile to the darkness; the lights dancing in glee
The air thick with anticipation; this is the last of wrong doings and bad
Aggressive, victorious, excited and anger appeased
All powerful reigning supreme; she comes proclaiming loud victory over the devil
Mass worships and rejoicings galore
The goddess has returned; triumphed over evil !