Monday, July 19, 2010

Whom are we judging

We participate in contests, competitions and get judged for the level of our expertise and finesse in whatever it is that we are competing about. At work we have appraisals where someone is constantly judging our work and mannerisms and skills. But what qualifies someone to be the judge? A few extra degrees? A few extra hours of practice at the art being evaluated? How can we have one standard expectation for a skill level, and use that to judge across people who are so different? What makes them different then? Why is there a need to fit everyone into one box of assessment and grade them? Is this not unfair because everyone is on a different life-path and a different stage in their spiritual evolution and realization of being one making them different; in which case we are judging apples and oranges and not apples and apples necessarily. So in this case how do you even say that one is better than the other?

Or is competition and judging fair for the exact same reasons - that we are all one and hence I am in fact just judging my own self; trying to better myself? But in this case then the whole concept of competition is a facade because how can you compete with your own self and be better than yourself?

So whom are we all being judged against - our own selves or someone so different that the point of comparison is mute? Or should we change the first requirement of all competitions so all souls participating are on the same level which would bring me back to the first point that then there would be no point competing. So then why are we all wasting so much time in our lives comparing and entering contests and judging and getting ourselves shattered with the outcomes? Whom are we judging really?

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Samu! Agree with a lot of what you've said. However, with rgds to why this shit exists, my view is:

    Its not as if competitions are created and then people line up to get themselves judged. As human beings we possess this innate desire to compete with others and be recognized as the better ones. Be it strength, intelligence, arts, crafts, skills, etc. Its only to exploit this existing basic need that these stupid competitions get birth.

    The extent to which these are percolating in every aspect of our lives is really unhealthy...which is why i liked ur post so much. Switch on any tv channel, and it is contests and reality shows only.
