Monday, January 11, 2010

Knowledge – from within !

Stuffed to the brim with mom’s comfort food I finally managed to pull myself back out into the cold where everything needed some warming up, my car and I included. I turned on the engine and the radio cranked up. As I mindlessly listened to the blabber something caught my attention. A lady had called in to get predictions regarding her son’s education, career and marriage. The astrologer on air ranted on about planetary positions and their implications and my mind wandered off on a channel of its own just as it had so aimlessly wandered in to tune into the little conversation.

My mind sure has a mind of its own, I must say !

If everything that’s goes up comes down, every night is followed by morning, even the darkest cloud has a silver lining, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel and good follows bad which follows good back….why do humans need astrologers and psychics and predictions about the future….Even if faith and hope are such strained fleeting earthly emotions that need the constant assurance of fellow passengers, should it not be sufficient to know from within that if one is going through a tough situation and challenging circumstances the good times are bound to follow and everything is afterall temporary only?


  1. My mom usually quotes from Shelley - " If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

  2. a realization that all is impermanent could be a big step to authentic living and freedom.
